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1 year, 1000 Elves 🎂

Today the Discord stats widget (the "elf-o-meter") ticked past 1,000 elves! đŸĨŗ

Totally coincidentally, it's also 365 days since our oldest elves joined the Discord server! (we had a 6-week "dev" period, and went into "prod" on 1 Aug)

For a glimpse of how far we've come, and where it all started, check out this Reddit post from a year ago!

It took a few iterations to get our initial cluster built, but here's a snapshot showing our oldest original node (which hasn't been subsequently re-installed):

NAME       STATUS                     ROLES                       AGE    VERSION
dwarf01    Ready                      <none>                      183d   v1.28.4+k3s2
dwarf02    Ready                      <none>                      364d   v1.28.4+k3s2
dwarf03    Ready                      <none>                      183d   v1.28.4+k3s2

In what we're informally code-naming the "check-your-rd-key" update, đŸ¤Ŗ ElfBot can now backup all your symlinks! (A precursor to a potential Hetzner-less, multi-region design for infinite streaming bundles)

To perform this onerous task, run elfbot backup symlinks, sit back and wait for about 0.003s, and then rest easy in the knowledge that your massive collection of links to another massive collection of links, is now safely backed up to /storage/elfstorage/backup/! đŸ’Ē

Riven rocks on!

Tonight's update (v0.7.3) from the Riven devs is a big one - it includes:

  • changes for debugging of memory use
  • significant speed improvements (2-4x faster)
  • improved results from scrapers
  • internal refactoring and improvements

Riven Discord discussion has moved to its own permanent channel, at #elf-riven, and remember that you can sponsor / tip your Riven dev here ❤ !

Get involved!

Our Discord community is growing, and we're investing in tools and processes to keep things running smoothly. You'll soon see improved #elf-support processes (thanks @mxrcy!), and hopefully a replacement AI (Glime is unfortunately shutting down in July).

If you'd like to get involved as an ElfVenger, and you have a set of skills (or just a ready smile) to contribute, we'd love to meet you! There's an ever-growing list of projects, not all of which require high levels of technical skillz, so if you're keen to get "on the inside", drop into #elf-venger-plz, and follow your nose!

Today's scoreboard

Metric Numberz Delta
🧝 Total subscribers 359 +6
👾 Zurg mounts: 145 +1
⛰ Riven pods: 25 +1
💾 ElfStorage in TBs 111 -
đŸŦ Tenant pods[^1] 3321 +119
đŸĻ¸ Elf-vengers 8 -
🧑‍🎓 Trainees 23 -
🐛 Bugz squished - -
🕹ī¸ New toyz 1 -


Thanks for geeking out with us, and please share these posts with related geeks! Type /review into any Discord channel to share your experience - this helps us to attract mooar elves!