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Sometimes you discover something which doesn't fit neatly into the "recipe" format. That's what this category of blog posts is for. I note information I don't want to loose, but I don't know (yet) how to fit it into the structure of the cookbook.

Riven's Frontend Fixed (Library view)

Fantastic Frontend

We've been using Riven since before the frontend was working nicely, so we've all assumed that the 500 errors on the "Library" view of the frontend was normal, indicating a work in progress.

It turns out, this has been fixed for a while, but we were presenting the database parameters to the frontend in the wrong syntax - now that the syntax is fixed, your Riven frontend's library tab should look more like this:

Thanks to @zombie 🧟 in Discord, we've unearthed another possible bug...

PlexTraktSync comes to ElfTerm

Old / daily subscriptions will sunset from 1 Aug. Take action as described below

We have a new pricing model / bundle structure which requires resubscriptions (the store can't migrate daily to monthly subscriptions for us). Unless you take action described here, your ElfHosted subscriptions will stop working some time after 1 Aug 2024.

Details here!

With the increasing stability / popularity of Riven, we're seeing users regularly asking "how can I switch from plex_debrid to Riven, keeping my Plex library?"

There's no "import" option in Riven, but now we have the next-best thing - using PlexTraktSync within ElfTerm, you can:

  • 1âƒŖ "sync" your Plex library with Trakt,
  • 2âƒŖ remove your old plex_debrid-managed libraries, and then
  • 3âƒŖ start "from scratch" with Riven, letting it sync back your library content from Trakt!

Read on for more...

Plex_debrid gets Zilean support, fixes

Old / daily subscriptions will sunset from 1 Aug. Take action as described below

We have a new pricing model / bundle structure which requires resubscriptions (the store can't migrate daily to monthly subscriptions for us). Unless you take action described here, your ElfHosted subscriptions will stop working some time after 1 Aug 2024.

Details here!

Plex_debrid's GitHub repository has been stale since Dec 2023, and achived since May 2024. Our attempts to contact the developer to offer stewardship of the project have been unfruitful thus far.

We've had our own fork of the plex_debrid repo for a while, to manage a few fixes (like Trakt auth), but @ron has taken it to a whole new level by adding Zilean support, and a parametized watchlist search interval (original is hard-coded to 30m).

I announced our repo on Reddit today, with the intention of attracting more users and hopefully more PRs, so that we can continue to improve upon and support plex_debrid for ElfHosted users.

To activate Zilean support in plex_debrid, add Zilean as a scraper source at Options/Settings/Scraper Settings/Sources - our internal Zilean instance is addressed at http://zilean.zilean:8181.

To adjust your search-my-watchlist interval, change Options/Settings/UI Settings/Watchlist loop interval (sec) accordingly.

Riven Comet support, duplicates fixed

Riven 0.8.0 shipped yesterday, but without Comet support due to a bug. This is now resolved, so your Riven should start searching the ElfHosted Comet database from tonight's rollout.

Also, duplicate folders will no longer cause Riven to crash-and-burn, but just to log an error and continue on its way đŸ’Ē

Today's scoreboard

Metric Numberz Delta
🧝 Total subscribers 327 -2
👾 Zurg mounts: 127 -
⛰ Riven pods: 50 +2
đŸŦ Tenant pods 2651 -18
🧑đŸģ‍🌾 Hobbits 29 +2
🤠 Rangers 19 -
đŸĻ¸ Elf-vengers 8 -
🐛 Bugz squished 1 -
🕹ī¸ New toyz 1 -


Thanks for geeking out with us, and please share these posts with related geeks! Type /review into any Discord channel to share your experience - this helps us to attract mooar elves!

Riven 0.8.0 Released

Old / daily subscriptions will sunset from 1 Aug. Take action as described below

We have a new pricing model / bundle structure which requires resubscriptions (the store can't migrate daily to monthly subscriptions for us). Unless you take action described here, your ElfHosted subscriptions will stop working some time after 1 Aug 2024.

Details here!

Tonight saw the end of the famous Riven "pickle dance", as our favorite .pkl file was abandoned for a "real" database (SQLite, in our case), as part of the big v0.8.0 release!

Riven 0.8.0's changes include:

  • Plex watchlists work again
  • Anime show fixes
  • Settings migrations
  • RealDebrid API rate-limit fixes
  • AllDebrid support
  • TorBox support
  • Comet support
  • Lots more!

Riven Revenue sharing Revised ❤ī¸

Now's a good time to point out that we're reviewed our revenue sharing deal with Riven, and are now contributing 100% of your Riven subscription to the devs! (so that's $9/month/subscriber, regardless of your stack / bundle / starter kit).

Dashboard backgrounds are back!

Old / daily subscriptions will sunset from 1 Aug. Take action as described below

We have a new pricing model / bundle structure which requires resubscriptions (the store can't migrate daily to monthly subscriptions for us). Unless you take action described here, your ElfHosted subscriptions will stop working some time after 1 Aug 2024.

Details here!

Tonight's user-facing change update is primarily UI polish - we've got the first instance of Zurg/Riven stats being reported on your dashboard, and the random background wallpapers are back! (We assumed these to be lost in the #fluxpocalypse, but it turns out unsplash just turned off their HTTP-based endpoint we were using to download them!)

Upon tonight's update, you'll end up with 2 random backgrounds on your apps dashboard, which may / may not look good. Think of these as placeholders - you can replace them with anything you like, provided you save your replacements into config/homer/backgrounds, and then restart homer with elfbot restart homer 👍

Trials are gone, Elf-ferrals are back!

Old / daily subscriptions will sunset from 1 Aug. Take action as described below

We have a new pricing model / bundle structure which requires resubscriptions (the store can't migrate daily to monthly subscriptions for us). Unless you take action described here, your ElfHosted subscriptions will stop working some time after 1 Aug 2024.

Details here!

Trials are gone

Further to the original announcement, it quickly became clear that the 7-day trials were more trouble than they were worth. A trial period prevented users from using their ElfBuckz as part-payment on a subscription, as well as "bundle-hopping" between different subscriptions.

Trials also represented an abuse risk - Wordpress doesn't have a way to prevent a user from trialing, cancelling, and re-trialing to continuously extend a trial indefinitely.

So, no more trials. Instead, we'll offer a 14-day refund based on a conversation - if a user is unhappy with the service, and we can't make them happy, we'll refund the unused portion of their subscription, within the first 14 days.

Oh, and the other issue with trials was that they made the referral process exploitable, so...

Referrals are back!

With the transition to monthly billing, and the removal of trials, it's now safe to re-instate the Elf-erral program!

Here's the deal - every user you refer with your unique referral code gets $5 off their first order, and you get a $5-off coupon! ($10 free ElfBuckz, reborn!)

Storage mounts are free

Everything in the store now falls into one of the 5 product tiers, and I couldn't work out where storage mounts fitted in.

Rather than overcomplicate the product tiers, all storage mounts are now free, with an initial $9 setup fee (both to cover support and to deter abuse).

If you're migrating from an older subscription to a monthly one, drop us a note, we'll refund the setup fee for your storage mounts.

And there's more...

Pricing model changes

Your subscription will sunset from 1 Aug. Take action as described below

Sorry for the big red message, but this is the TL;DR - unless you take action described below, your ElfHosted subscriptions will stop working some time after 1 Aug 2024.

We have a new pricing model / bundle structure which requires resubscriptions (the store can't migrate daily to monthly subscriptions for us)

Details follow...

When ElfHosted was "born", the idea was to provide "pay-as-you-go" type hosting using a microservices model on "cheap" hardware, leveraging Kubernetes to make the platform resilient. We used ElfBuckz and daily subscriptions to "shoehorn" this model onto the store, and while it worked, it was confusing and hard to manage.

One year later, we're geared heavily towards debrid-focused media apps (we only added real-debrid support in Feb 2024!), and a "core feature" is our friendly Discord community, and our bundles which "just work".

$10 free ElfBuckz, daily subscriptions, and pricing based purely on measured / forecast resource usage no longer "fits", and so the following changes are rolling out..

Happy 4th July, Americans!

As a non-American, I have been advised that 4th July requires fireworks and screenings of "Jaws". @BSM made us this happily little image to celebrate:

Inspired by the weird scary-shark-movie tradition đŸĻˆ, I've added coupon code SHARKBAIT24 to the store, giving 4.7% discount to celebrate (expires 6th July).

Jun 2024's Elf-Disclosure report published

Our Elf-Disclosure report for June 2024 is now published. It's a long read, so buckle up! Also, this is the first month we've had a previous year's report to reflect back on. To see how far we've come, compare with the June 2023 Elf-Disclosure report!

Grandfathered subscription pricing deprecated from 1 Aug

For reasons outlined here, from 1 Aug, any remaining grandfathered subscriptions will be repriced on renewal to match current rates (this note will accompany all blog posts during July 2024).

ElfHosted supports Riven

There's some complicated math in the Elf-Disclosure report, but the TL;DR is that ElfHosted subscriptions resulted in a revenue-sharing sponsorship of $52 to the devs in June! ❤

(If you'd like to support Riven in addition to the 30% of your subscription, join me in sponsoring here)

Coming up..

Look forward to updates in the near future re Comet (a new Stremio addon), a trial of our US cluster (I registered today), and an improvement in the store layout / structure! :)

Today's scoreboard

Metric Numberz Delta
🧝 Total subscribers 364 +2
👾 Zurg mounts: 179 +22
⛰ Riven pods: 38 +14
đŸŦ Tenant pods 4513 1 +843
đŸĻ¸ Elf-vengers 8 -
🧑‍🎓 Trainees 23 -
🐛 Bugz squished - -
🕹ī¸ New toyz - -


Thanks for geeking out with us, and please share these posts with related geeks! Type /review into any Discord channel to share your experience - this helps us to attract mooar elves!

  1. It's a big number because of the introduction of the "storageboss" pod, to facilitate our storage migrations. 

Zurg multitoken support solves slowdowns

@yowmamasita has added a neat feature to Zurg, which takes advantage of the new "zurgtorrent" feature, allowing you to add multiple RD tokens to your Zurg account. This means that your library stays in your primary account, but your backup tokens will be used to stream if your main account temporarily ends up in "RD Jail". Read more details here.

1 year, 1000 Elves 🎂

Today the Discord stats widget (the "elf-o-meter") ticked past 1,000 elves! đŸĨŗ

Totally coincidentally, it's also 365 days since our oldest elves joined the Discord server! (we had a 6-week "dev" period, and went into "prod" on 1 Aug)

For a glimpse of how far we've come, and where it all started, check out this Reddit post from a year ago!