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Want to give back to the ElfHosted community? We'd be grateful - we currently run on goodwill and optimism! Here are a few suggestions for helpful ways to contribute:

Be an Elf-vangelist

We grow by word-of-mouth referrals and organic search results. One of the most impactful ways to help is to post about ElfHosted online - every link back to increases our organic search relevance, and makes us more discoverable to future elves.

Our target-market has so far primarily come from:

Possible approaches for further exposure would be app-specific subreddits (r/Plex, r/Jellyfin, etc), or approaching open-source devs to offer free hosted demos / instances of their app, such as Annatar.

If you post a link using your referral code, you'll get a $5 coupon in thanks, every time a referral turns into an order!


It's a good idea to disclose any referral / affiliate links as such, for transparency, and to avoid backlash

Join the Elf-vengers

Our Discord server is a welcoming, friendly community of geeks, and the Elf-Vengers are our elite team of Discord-based volunteers who support current and future elves, as they make their journey from "umm-now-what?" to "just symlink from debrid and import with the arrr, bro".

Check out the details and join the team here!

Join the Elf-vengers! ๐Ÿฆธ

Create How-to videos

All our documentation is text-based, which is difficult for some users to parse easily, especially non-native English-speakers. If you've got skillz / interest in creating howto videos, these would unlock a whole new subscriber base we're currently missing!

Update / add documentation

Got some documentation improvements to suggest? This site is built with mkdocs and material-mkdocs - you can spin up a browser-based development enviroment using GitPod, prepare a changeset, and submit a PR all from one browser window!

Improve product images

The images in the store are a little inconsistent, and lack polish and branding. Re-doing the store images to make them all properly sized / fonted / etc would improve the polish and "look" of the store significantly.

Wordpress administration

If you've got experience and interest in running a Wordpress / Woocommerce store (including managing categories, updating product descriptions, etc), you could make a significant contribution in this area!

Resources (branding)

If you're looking to make a blog post / article about ElfHosted, here are some images of our mascot, "Spanky the Elf", which might be useful:


Spanky Only

Spanky in SVG

High-res, non-transparent JPG

These images are shrunk to display nicely on this page. Save the image for the full-res version!

Spanky with Text, white BG

Spanky with Text, green BG

Transparent PNG

Spanky Only

Spanky in PNG

Spanky With Text

Spanky in PNG with Text