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Tdarr will batch-transcode your media, for efficient storage and maximum-compatibility streaming. Tdarr utilizes unused CPU / GPU capacity across our platform to perform batch transcodes, keeping your library lean and mean!

Get Elf Hosted Tdarr from $0.15/day ๐Ÿช„

Screenshot of Tdarr

How do I access Tdarr?

Tdarr will be available from your dashboard (https://<username>>), or directly, at https://<username>

How to use Tdarr

Tdarr is powerful and flexible, and can be intimidating to configure. Our instance is pre-configured to work as best as possible with our hardware / resources, but this section will detail some of the important configurations necessary.

Worker setup

The following is required for the worker component of Tdarr:

Configure node

From the main Tdarr window, select the node, set 1 GPU transcode and 1 CPU healthcheck, and then click Options to add node-specific config:

Node options

Set the hardware encoding type to vaapi, allow the GPU worker to do CPU tasks, and set a low priority for FFMpeg/handbreak tasks:

Staging section

Back on the main Tdarr page, under Staging Section, ensure that Auto accept successful transcodes is checked (without this, the transcoded file will sit in /transcodes waiting manual approval, eventually filling up the /transcodes volume and crashing the pod):

Library setup

Each library which you want Tdarr to process needs to be setup as follows:


For each source folder, ensure that the following options are checked for optimum performance:

Transcode cache

The Transcode cache section must be set to /transcode:

Transcode options

Your may require a custom combination of plugins, but the transcoding plugin which works best with our QSV hardware is the one highlighted below:

How do I get support for Tdarr?

  1. For general use of Tdarr, refer to the official site or to one of the links below.
  2. For specific support re your ElfHosted configuration / account, see the ElfHosted support options!

Tdarr resources